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Efficient model predictive control for large-scale urban traffic networks

Eff i cient model predictive control forlarge-scale urban traff i c networksS. Lin.Eff i cient model predictive control forlarge-scale urban traff i c networksProefschriftter verkrijging van de graad van doctoraan de Technische Universiteit Delft,op gezag van de Rector Magnif i cus prof. ir. K.C.A.M. Luyben,voorzitter van het College voor Promoties,in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 19 april 2011 om 12.30 uurdoor Shu LIN,Master of Science in Control Engineering, Shandong University,geboren te Chengde,...
上传时间:2023-02-11 页数:171 格式:PDF 浏览: 1


上传时间:2013-05-14 页数:17 格式:DOC 浏览: 5

efficient top-k queries in large-scale networks

efficient top-k queries in large-scale networks
上传时间:2021-04-03 页数:38 格式:PPT 浏览: 1

Differentiable Predictive Control for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks

Differentiable Predictive Control for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks
上传时间:2024-11-12 页数:10 格式:PDF 浏览: 0

Efficient Large-Scale Structured Learning

Efficient Large-Scale Structured Learning
上传时间:2016-01-01 页数:31 格式:PPTX 浏览: 3

On large-scale model of English teaching

On large-scale model of English teaching
上传时间:2016-01-23 页数:13 格式:DOC 浏览: 3

A Congestion Eliminating Control Method for Large-scale Urban Traffic Networks

A Congestion Eliminating Control Method for Large-scale Urban Traffic Networks
上传时间:2021-07-27 页数:6 格式:PDF 浏览: 1

Decentralized ∞ Control Design for Large-scale Civil ...

Decentralized ∞ Control Design for Large-scale Civil ...
上传时间:2015-12-31 页数:23 格式:DOC 浏览: 1

Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Topology Discovery

Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Topology Discovery
上传时间:2016-01-26 页数:29 格式:PPT 浏览: 0

Decentralized ∞ Control Design for Large-scale Civil ...

Decentralized ∞ Control Design for Large-scale Civil ...
上传时间:2016-01-06 页数:25 格式:DOC 浏览: 3